Leading specialists in compressed air

Nationwide consulting, installation and design

​At Dansk Trykluft Industri, we have technicians all over the country, so you can easily and quickly receive expert advice, service and installation of compressed air compressors and everything related to this.


​Compressed air has a number of important factors to consider.

Compressed air can contain water particles, damaging gasses, bacteria and mould. This can occur as a result of the ambient air and needs to be inspected and treated in order to maintain the quality of the compressor and the treatment of compressed air.

The compressed air-treatment has to be sufficient, and used in a sensitive manner. Otherwise it can lead to unnecessary energy costs and maintenance repairs.

We perform assessments in accordance with the ISO8573-1. In practice, this means that you as a consumer of compressed air, will receive a definitive document outlining your company's compressed air-quality.

We will be happy to assist with an act-plan if the compressed air doesn't match the expected quality.

Reporting will be in accordance to the Iso 8573-1 as well as the labour inspection's guide D.5.1 regarding breathing air or air quality.

Do you have questions?

Write to us with your questions by filling out the form and we will get back to you soon.

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Dansk Trykluft Industri A/S


Erhvervsparken 3, 4621 Gadstrup


​Essen 11B, 6000 Kolding

CVR: 16971189

Contact us

☎ Telephone: 56 21 71 00

✉ E-mail: mail@dti-trykluft.dk

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Fill out the form and get a call. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. If you need emergency help outside normal working hours, our phones automatically switch to 24-hour service.

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Erhvervsparken 3
4621 Gadstrup


Essen 11B

6000 Kolding