Leading specialists in compressed air

Nationwide consulting, installation and design

​At Dansk Trykluft Industri, we have technicians all over the country, so you can easily and quickly receive expert advice, service and installation of compressed air compressors and everything related to this.

COMBI Screw compressor

5,5 - 22 kW, 5 - 13 bar, 0,62 - 3,24 m³/min

​Low-noise compact plant for small spaces.

Power class: 2.2-22 kW

Our COMBI product series is the space-saving, economical 4-in-1 solution from ALMiG. The COMBI series combines the following in a single housing as standard:


  • Air-receiver incl. conductor
  • Refrigeration dryer
  • Pre- and after-filter *1
  • Thereby it satisfies the high compressed air quality requirement for pneumatic applications in accordance with DIN ISO 8573-1 *2

The small space requirement of 1m² and extremely low noise level, enables these machines to be installed directly where you need the compressed air. This means that your company spares itself major investments in expensive compressed air piping.

Another advantage of these new compact compressors is the low weight and ease, with which they can be transported. A fork lifter is sufficient to install the entire compressed air station on site.

Download brochure here (969kB) 

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Dansk Trykluft Industri A/S


Erhvervsparken 3, 4621 Gadstrup


​Essen 11B, 6000 Kolding

CVR: 16971189

Contact us

☎ Telephone: 56 21 71 00

✉ E-mail: mail@dti-trykluft.dk

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Erhvervsparken 3
4621 Gadstrup


Essen 11B

6000 Kolding