Leading specialists in compressed air

Nationwide consulting, installation and design

​At Dansk Trykluft Industri, we have technicians all over the country, so you can easily and quickly receive expert advice, service and installation of compressed air compressors and everything related to this.

BELT  XP Screw Compressor

4 - 37 kW, 5 - 13 bar, 0,48 - 6,30 m3/min

The long-distance runners in the BELT 4 - 250 series guarantee round-the-clock high performance, and operational reliability under a permanent load.

The series is equipped with a low-maintenance V-belt drive, which transmits the 4 to 250 kW power output of the drive almost without loss. In this case it means that the compressor gets the full benefit of the motor power.

The result is particularly economical and reliable operation with volumetric flow rates of up to 43.07 m³/min.

However, the BELT 4 - 250 series concept pursues other goals too! For example, a long service life and low maintenance costs. In short: everything that "quality" entails.

Download brochure here (1320kB)

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Dansk Trykluft Industri A/S


Erhvervsparken 3, 4621 Gadstrup


​Essen 11B, 6000 Kolding

CVR: 16971189

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☎ Telephone: 56 21 71 00

✉ E-mail: mail@dti-trykluft.dk

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Erhvervsparken 3
4621 Gadstrup


Essen 11B

6000 Kolding